Ewan Goligher has written a book making a clear and strong argument against euthanasia and for the intrinsic value of human life. He joins Matt and Alastair to discuss many fine points of this complex and knotty issue, including the history of the legality of euthanasia in Canada, the ethical implications of suicide, the good of death, and the intrinsic value of a human’s existence.
Links Mentioned:
Lexham Press Book of the Month
The 2015 Carter v. Canada case that legalized euthanasia in Canada
Sue Rodriguez v. British Colombia
The Patient as Person: Explorations in Medical Ethics, by Paul Ramsey [affiliate link]
The Book of the Month is HOW SHOULD WE THEN DIE? A Christian Response to Physician-Assisted Death, by Ewan C. Goligher. A physician, Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Proponents of euthanasia presume what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel. Through the end of May, Mere Fidelity listeners can get 40% off this title with the code MEREFIDELITYMAY24 at https://lexhampress.com/merefidelity.
Follow Derek, Andrew, and Alastair for more tweet-sized brilliance. Financially support Mere Orthodoxy, Alastair, and/or Derek directly. Thanks to Timothy Crouch for keeping us organized, and to Andrew Noble for managing the social media. Special thanks to Tim Motte for sound editing and show notes. And thanks to The Joy Eternal for lending us their music, which everybody should download out of gratitude for their kindness.