Moral Complicity  

Alistair Begg hit a nerve with Christians online when he said in public that it might be ok for a Christian to attend an LGBTQ wedding...

Alistair Begg hit a nerve with Christians online when he said in public that it might be ok for a Christian to attend an LGBTQ wedding. Given his opposition to same-sex marriage, this firestorm brings to the surface many questions about the nature of moral complicity, scandal, fraternal correction, and just how a Christian is to live day-to-day in a world so at odds with the truth. All in all, a perfect topic for Matt, Derek, and Alastair (Roberts) to tackle together.  

Links Mentioned: 

Lexham Press Book of the Month 

Merrie Band 

Alastair Begg on attending weddings 


Matt’s newsletter 

Abigail Favale on Mere Fi 

The story of Naaman in II Kings 5 

The Book of the Month is THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: For All God’s Children, the latest entry in the FatCat series. We love God because he first loved us. Jesus shows us how God loves us. Because Jesus obeyed his Father, we have forgiveness and life—and many other good gifts. God’s commandments protect us and his gifts for us. When we love and obey God, we treasure the good things he gives us. For the month of February 2024, get 40% off this title at with the code MEREFIDELITYFEB24.


Stable Emotional Life
An Everyday Problem
Meta Issues
For the Fundamentalists
Obvious Gaps
Sacrilege or Mere Paganism?
Fraternal Correction
Third Party Scandal

Follow DerekAndrew, and Alastair for more tweet-sized brilliance. Financially support Mere OrthodoxyAlastair, and/or Derek directly. Thanks to Timothy Crouch for keeping us organized, and to Andrew Noble for managing the social media. Special thanks to Tim Motte for sound editing and show notes. And thanks to The Joy Eternal for lending us their music, which everybody should download out of gratitude for their kindness.

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