Joshua Farris
Joshua R. Farris (PhD, University of Bristol, UK) is the Chester and Margaret Paluch Professor at Mundelein Seminary, University of Saint Mary of the Lake, and part-time Lecturer at Auburn University Montgomery. He was a Visiting Fellow at The Creation Project, Carl F.H. Henry Center at TEDS (Spring 2018) and Assistant Professor of Theology at Houston Baptist University.
Joshua is a chief editor (with Charles Taliaferro) of the Ashgate Research Companion to Theological Anthropology (Ashgate, 2015). He is co-editor (with S. Mark Hamilton) of Idealism and Christianity: Idealism and Christian Theology, Vol. 1 (Bloomsbury, 2016), co-editor of Christian Physicalism: Philosophical-Theological Criticisms(with R. Keith Loftin). Additionally, he has co-edited Being Saved: Explorations in Human Salvation. He has published his monograph, The Soul of Theological Anthropology: A Cartesian Exploration and An Introduction to Theological Anthropology: Humans, Both Creaturely and Divine (Baker Academic, 2020). Joshua has also presented at various academic conferences on inter-disciplinary studies, philosophy, theology, and ethics.