Joy and the Task of Theology

The full cast convenes to riff on a tweet of Matt's that sparked some... discussion.

What is the best polemical posture? Or are there ways to creatively rearticulate the truths of the faith that prevent the necessity of polemics in the first place? The full cast and crew of Matt, Derek, Alastair, and Andrew sit down to discuss these questions and a host of others about how to engage theological trends and care for those struggling in the church.

Resources mentioned:

A Ballad of Suicide by G. K. Chesterton


Theology as an act of creative re-articulation
What about the place of polemics in theology?
What creative and cheerful theology looks like in practice
Creative re-articulation as a means of hospitality
Do well-executed creative formulas keep people in the church, and does failing to do them result in people leaving the faith
The fundamental need for joy in our leaders rather than pessimism
No, we are not defeatists!

Follow DerekAndrew, and Alastair for more tweet-sized brilliance. Thanks to Caleb Wait for keeping us organized. Special thanks to Tim Motte for sound editing. And thanks to The Joy Eternal for lending us their music, which everybody should download out of gratitude for their kindness.

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