N.T. Wright and His Reformed Critics

Derek, Alastair, and Andrew pick up the previous discussion of N.T. Wright and explore the controversies between him and his North American Reformed critics.

This week’s show follows up on the conversation about N.T. Wright and locates him among his Reformed critics.  Who’s right, who’s wrong, and are there paths between that can learn from both?

Various links from topics that came up during the show:

1. N.T. Wright on Penal substitution.
2. Wright’s most recent stand-alone summary article on justification.
3. D.A. Carson’s The Vindication of Imputation, on the difference between exegetical and theological levels of discourse.
4. Michael Horton’s Review of Wright’s Justification.
5. Michael Bird’s comparison of John Piper and N.T. Wright.

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